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    February 1


    February 1, 1662,National hero Zheng Chenggong led the army regained the Chinese territory of Taiwan.April 1661,Zheng Chenggong led two thousand officers and men across the Strait,After months of heroic battle,To beat Taiwan is invaded and occupied by up to 38 years old Dutch colonists,Recovered Taiwan.


    February 1, 1764,Qing Dynasty famous novelist Cao Xueqin's death in the western suburbs of Beijing,Only 49 years old.He worked hard to write 10 years[Stones]Later renamed[A Dream of Red Mansions],Great works of realism in the classical Chinese novel.


    这是战士们在进行整风学习(资料照片)。 新华社发 

    Soldiers conducting Rectification learning(Profile photo). Xinhua News Agency issued 


    February 1, 1942,Yan'an Rectification Movement begins.Held the opening ceremony of the CPC Central Committee Party School in Yan'an central auditorium,Mao Zedong as[Rectify the Party's style of work]The report,And raised in the report"In order to rectify the style of study against subjectivism,To oppose sectarianism to rectify party style,Against stereotyped Party to rectify the style of writing".


    February 1, 1976,Of German Theoretical Physics and atomic physicist/The founder of quantum mechanics, Heisenberg's death,The age of 75.Heisenberg is the second most after the Einstein as one of the scientists.Inspired by Planck's quantum theory and Einstein quantum hypothesis,Heisenberg is also thanks to the idea of ??Einstein's theory of relativity was founded in 1925 from the matrix mechanics,Also known as quantum mechanics,And presented the uncertainty principle and matrix theory.Quantum mechanics is a powerful tool for people study the microscopic world is essential.Due to a new contribution to the quantum theory,He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932.Heisenberg also completed nuclear reactor theory.Since he made the tremendous achievements,So that he became the most important 20th century theoretical physics and atomic physicist.


    February 1, 1986,[Citizens of the People's Republic of China Exit and Entry Administration Law]Official purposes.


    February 1, 1995,[Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China]Official purposes.


   左图为解体的“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机残骸在得克萨斯州上空划出数条白色的轨迹;右图为“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机发射时的资料照片。 新华社发  

   Left disintegration"Columbia"Draw several white track shuttle wreckage over Texas;Right picture"Columbia"The launch of the space shuttle photo. Xinhua News Agency issued  


    February 1, 2003,United States"Columbia"When you return to the ground, the space shuttle disintegrated and crashed over the central and northern Texas,Killing all seven astronauts on board.According to the survey,The space shuttle rupture caused by the insulation film between the left wing sealing layer.Following 1986"Challenger"No. explosion,United States space shuttle event.


    February 1, 2004,[Banking Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China]Official purposes.1 January 2007, the new amendments to the Act came into effect on.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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