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June 26


    这是时任联合国秘书长的佩雷斯·德奎利亚尔出席并主持联合国麻醉品滥用和非法贩运问题国际会议。 新华社

    This is when he was UN Secretary General Perez de Cuellar attended and chaired the UN Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, International Conference. Xinhua News Agency issued


June 26 is the International Day against Drug Abuse, the International Anti-Drug Day.1987 年 12 to 26 June,United Nations held in Vienna has 138 countries, more than 3,000 representatives of Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Ministerial.Meeting proposed"Love Life,Do not do drugs"Slogan.Delegates agreed to June 26 each year as"International Day Against Drug Abuse",To draw the world's attention to the drug problem,Also called on people around the world work together to solve the drug problem.


June 26, 1945,Be[Charter]Signing date,Including China, the representatives of 51 countries signed in San Francisco[Charter].The signatories of the founding members of the United Nations.In the same year on October 24[Charter]Entered into force,That day as United Nations Day.



Pictured KMT troopship bound for the Northeast.Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


June 26, 1946,Chiang Kai-shek and CPPCC brazenly tore armistice agreement,Yang confidently with 220,000 troops/Roshan/Guangshan/Huang and other places of four large-scale attack to the Central Plains Liberated,Civil war broke out.I Central Plains Military Region 5 thousand people, led by the commander Li Xiannian way through bloody 5 breakout success in July,Liberation war began.


June 26, 1994,Gansu Province"Big Qin cited"Main Canal through."Big Qin cited"Project is to Gansu/Qinghai provinces at the junction of Chase River,From Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province, the Temple of Heaven Chuanshanyueling,Diversion to Lanzhou City, 60 kilometers east of Qinwangchuan."Big Qin cited"Project is China's"Eighty-five"Key projects,Invest 1.57 billion yuan.The country's largest water diversion project construction difficulty,Length of 86.95 km,Single tunnel and rail tunnel actually accounted for a considerable go 75 km,Called"Underground river".


June 26, 1998,[People Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf]Official purposes.




The picture shows a scanning micrograph of human chromosomes.Xinhua News Agency issued


June 26, 2000,In the United States, Britain, Germany and France announced the six countries work sketching the human genome completed.China is involved in the completion of this work sketching work only developing country.The study by U.S. scientists/And in October 1990 launched the Human Genome Project,Through international cooperation aimed at,15 years to build detailed genetic map of the human genome and the physical map,Determine the human DNA(DNA)The entire sequence,Positioned approximately 100,000 genes,Identification of these genes and to identify and isolate decipher.Implementation of this plan will be human beings diagnosis and provide the basis for prevention,To the pharmaceutical industry has brought immeasurable changes,Will promote life sciences/Information Sciences and a number of high-tech industries.


June 26, 2009,Held in Seville, Spain 33rd session of the World Heritage Committee meeting,Passed the China Wutai declared as a World Heritage Project.Wutai Mountain in Shanxi Province, China Xinzhou,The declaration covers from the 4th century to the 19th century(Northern/Tang Dynasty/Song Dynasty/Yuan/Next/Clear)The sacred Buddhist architecture and unique environmental landscape,Reflecting the various periods of architectural art and technology for outstanding achievement and characteristics,Ancient Buddhist cultural tradition,As well as the harmony between man and nature.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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