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May 27


May 27, 1840,The famous Italian composer/19th century violin virtuoso Paganini main death,At the age of 58 years.He revolutionized violin playing skills,His major works include 24 Caprices/6 Violin Concerto,The first of the first[Violin Concerto in D major]In particular, popular.


May 27, 1878,Duncan was born in California.Duncan is known as the"The mother of modern dance"The famous American dancer,Childhood learning ballet,Later, with the creation of classical ballet as opposed to the free dance,Advocated the establishment in the natural rhythm of dance and movement over."Freest body bears the highest wisdom"Duncan's artistic goals and guidelines.1927,Duncan died in a car accident in France.

  1900年5月27日,中国爆发义和团运动。义和团运动最初起源于直隶、山东两地,是清末群众自发的反帝、反封建运动。同年6月,帝国主义为镇压义和团运动,攫取在中国的利益,由英国、俄国、德国、法国、美国、日本、意大利、奥地利8个国家的军队组成所谓 “八国联军”,于7月14日、8月14日分别攻陷天津、北京。1901年9月7日,清政府被迫与包括上述8国在内的共11个国家签订《辛丑条约》,标志着中国完全变成了半殖民地半封建社会。

May 27, 1900,Boxer Rebellion broke out in China.Boxer originated in the Zhili/Shandong two places,Of the late anti-imperialist masses spontaneously/Anti-feudal movement.In June,Imperialism to suppress the Boxer Rebellion,Grab the interest in China,By the British/Russia/Germany/France/United States/Japan/Italy/Austria 8 national army composed of so-called "Boxer Rebellion",On July 14/August 14 respectively captured Tianjin/Beijing.September 7, 1901,Qing government was forced to include the eight countries, including a total of 11 countries have signed[Boxer Protocol],Marking the Chinese have turned into semi-feudal society.


May 27, 1905,With a long history/Truly a national key university Fudan University in Shanghai to create,Formerly known as Fudan Public School.




    This June 22, 1989 photo shows data taken,"Bismarck"No. In France Brest harbor was found near the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.Xinhua News Agency issued


May 27, 1941,France and Germany the latest battleship"Bismarck"No. waters near the French battleship sunk by the British navy,More than 2,300 officers and men were killed.The ship sank three days ago, the British cruiser"Hood"Number,Led more than 1,300 British soldiers sacrificed.




    May 27, 1949,People's Liberation Army captured the city of Shanghai, China's largest.Shanghai Liberation,Become the central municipality.This is plunging forward Shanghai People's Liberation Army.Xinhua News Agency issued(Profile photo)


May 27, 1949,People's Liberation Army captured the city of Shanghai, China's largest.Shanghai Liberation,Become the central municipality.


May 27, 1975,First woman to climb Mount Everest from the north slope of the peak.Day 14:30,Chinese climbers a female athlete Pando and eight male athletes,World's highest peak from the northern slope of Mount - Mount Everest.


May 27, 1983,Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council and the Beijing Municipal People's Government jointly held in Beijing China's first batch of PhD/Master's degree conferring.


May 27, 1985,CPC Central Committee issued a decision on education reform.Decisions for the purpose of educational reform/Development of basic education/Implementation of nine-year compulsory education/Adjust the structure of secondary education/Vigorously develop vocational education/Reform of institutions of higher learning and graduate enrollment plan distribution system and other issues specific provisions.


May 27, 1994,By the Shanghai Institute of Technology/Shanghai University of Technology/Shanghai University/Shanghai Science and Technology College of Shanghai University merged to form a new,The anniversary of the liberation of 45 in Shanghai was set up.First president is a famous scientist/CPPCC Vice Chairman/Chinese Academy of Sciences chang.



This is Zhang Junqiu profile photo.Xinhua News Agency issued

  1997年5月27日,中国京剧艺术大师张君秋在北京逝世,享年77岁。张君秋善于把传统唱腔加以重新组合,创造出新的板式。其艺术风格自成一派, 是京剧 “张派”的创始人。表演的代表剧目有《玉堂春》《望江亭》《秦香莲》《二进宫》《雷峰塔》《西厢记》等。著有《张君秋戏剧散论》《张君秋京剧唱腔选集》。(新华社记者李晓建) 

May 27, 1997,Chinese Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu died in Beijing,At the age of 77 years.Zhang Junqiu be good at the traditional singing regroup,Create new plate.The artistic style of a faction, Peking opera "Zhang sent"Founder.Representative repertoire of performances[Jade River][Wangjiangting][Qin Xiang Lian][Malignancy][Pagoda][West Chamber]Wait.Author of[Zhang Junqiu Essay on Drama][Zhang Junqiu opera singing anthology].(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian) 

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