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历史上的今天  5月2日 Today in History  May 2


    May 2, 1895,Kang Youwei more than 1300 provinces a joint letter to the candidate lifts,Requirements of the Qing government refused to[Treaty of Shimonoseki],This is the famous modern Chinese history"Letter to the bus"."Letter to the bus"Although it failed to prevent the[Treaty of Shimonoseki]The signing of,But it is the long-awaited bourgeois reformers thought began to change as a sign of the political movement of the patriotic national salvation,A tremendous impact in the community.


    May 2, 1937 - 14,National Conference of the Communist Party of China CPC Central Committee held in Yan'an(Said the Soviet Party Conference),The meeting was attended from the base/Kuomintang areas and the Red Army, the official representative of the party organizations 218,64 people attending the meeting.The meeting approved the Zunyi Meeting, since the party's political line.


    May 2, 1942,CPC Central Committee held in Yan'an Yangjialing, writers and artists forum,Known as the Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art.Mao Zedong such as the introduction of an important speech at the meeting.


    May 2, 1953,China's trade unions Seventh National People's Congress held in Beijing,831 delegates attended the meeting of the industrial unions across the country.This is China's trade unions after the founding of New China held the first National People's Congress.On May 13 held the first meeting of the Executive Committee elected the Liu Shaoqi continue to serve as Honorary Chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions,Lai Ruoyu elected as Chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions,Liu Ning, a/Liu Changsheng/Zhu Xuefan elected Vice-President.


    May 2, 1958,Beijing TV Station, the predecessor of the China Central Television began to use two channels in Beijing pilot black-and-white television programs.



    This is show the five-star red flag climbers on Mt Everest peak.Chest hung the camera for the Chinese team captain Xu Jing.Xinhua News Agency issued(Info)


    May 2, 1964,Chinese mountaineering team of 10 athletes boarded in Tibet 8012 meters above sea level, Mt Everest peak,Conquer Earth's last one 8000 meters for the first time"Virgin peak".


    May 2, 1990,Famous composer/People's musicians/Chinese Music Association Vice President Shi Guangnan died in Beijing,As young as 49-year-old.He created a[Playing the tambourine sang][Zhu Jiuge][Premier Zhou,Where you]Such as a large number of hit songs.


    May 2, 1991,National special working model Wu Yunduo, died in Beijing,At the age of 74.The Wu Yunduo negative three seriously injured in military production,,Have lost my left hand/Left eye,Maimed his right leg.With amazing perseverance,Written 100,000 words readme novel[All dedicated to the party],Known as China's Pavel Korchagin.


    May 2, 1994,Bank of China officially issued HK.HK issued by the Bank of China in Hong Kong from the date of circulation.


    From 2 to 3 May 2008,Strong tropical storm"Nargis"Five provincial state hit Myanmar,Resulting in about 8.45 million people were killed,5.38 million people missing,1.94 million people were injured,735 million people were affected.Disasters caused economic losses of more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.



    This imposition photos show,May 3, 2011,In Abbottabad, Pakistan,People gathered in the"Base"Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden attacked near the site(Upper left as Bin Laden Info).Xinhua News Agency issued


    May 2, 2011,The United States announced the death of Osama bin Laden.Beijing at 11:35 on May 2,U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech,Officially announced"Base"Organization's top leader Osama bin Laden death.United States identified"Base"Organizations and Osama bin Laden planned and implemented"9.11"Terrorist attacks,Hijacked airliner hit the World Trade Center towers in New York and the suburbs of Washington, DC Pentagon,Death of more than 3,000,Called the most serious terrorist attacks.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Wenrong/Su Xiaoping)

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