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历史上的今天  4月22日 Today in History  April 22

    每年的4月22日是世界地球日。“地球日”活动起源于美国。1970年4月22日在美国纽约举行的首次 “地球日”活动,声势浩大,被誉为二战以来美国规模最大的社会活动。数十万群众集会,呼吁人们创造一个清洁、简单、和平的生活环境。1990年4月22日,第一次“地球日”20年后,全世界又组织了一次大型的活动。共有140多个国家的2亿多人同时在各地举行了多种多样的纪念活动。这一次的行动把重点放在了全球整体环境的改善上。这项活动得到了联合国的首肯。其后,每年的4月22日被确定为“世界地球日”。

    Annual Earth Day on April 22."Earth Day"Activities originated in the United States.Held on April 22, 1970 in New York for the first time "Earth Day"Activity,Massive,Known as the United States since World War II, the largest social activities.Hundreds of thousands of mass rally,Called on people to create a clean/Simple/Peaceful living environment.April 22, 1990,First"Earth Day"20 years later,Around the world organized a large event.A total of more than 200 million people in more than 140 countries around at the same time held a variety of commemorative activities.This time to focus on the improvement of the global environment.The activities of the United Nations approval.Subsequent,The annual April 22 was identified as"Earth Day".



The picture shows Lenin image.Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 22, 1870,The birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.Lenin was a great teacher of the proletarian revolution,The founder of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,The leader of the Bolshevik Revolution,The founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,Founder of the Leninist theory system.


    April 22, 1945,Germany famous modern printmaker and sculptor Kathe Kollwitz's death,At the age of 78.Its representative[Commemoration of Liebknecht][Peasants' War][Weavers riots]Wait.



This is taken in May 1958, standing in Tiananmen Square"Monument to the People's Heroes".Xinhua News Agency issued


    April 22, 1958,Located in Beijing's Tiananmen Square"Monument to the People's Heroes"Built.September 30, 1949,The first meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference decided to set up in Beijing"Monument to the People's Heroes",And held a groundbreaking ceremony.March 4, 1961 by the State Council as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.


    April 22, 1983,One of the pioneers of Obstetrics and Gynecology/Well-known medical experts of Lin Qiaozhi in Beijing's death,At the age of 82.


    April 22, 1989,China's famous Beijing Opera artist Fang Rongxiang's death in Jinan,At the age of 64.


    April 22, 1992,Chinese women's movement, one of the leaders of the death of Kang Keqing,At the age of 81.She Jinggangshan to participate in the Red Army in 1928,Married the following year with Zhu De,1931 joined the Chinese Communist Party,After the founding of new China, he served as Third Vice-Chairman of the National Women's Federation,Fourth/Fifth President,Sixth Honorary Chairman,Chinese people to defend the Chairman of the National Commission for Child,Fifth/Six/Seventh National People's Political Consultative Conference Vice-Chairman.


    April 22, 1993,The founder of the Japan-China Friendship Association Saionji the death of a,At the age of 87.1991,Conferred on him by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries"Friendship ambassador"The title.


    April 22, 1994,January 1969 inaugural any 46 and 47 President Nixon's death,At the age of 81.Nixon's first visit to China in February 1972,To become the first U.S. president to visit China,Issued a joint communique with Premier Zhou Enlai in Shanghai,Open the door of the US-China exchanges.He has visited China seven times.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Pei/Wang Ru)

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