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    November 11


November 11 of each year the week belongs to,International Science and Peace Week.43rd Session of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in December 1988,Annually the week of Nov. 11 to set up for the"International Science and Peace Week".This week,Member States held active propaganda technology played an important role in maintaining world peace and social development,Efforts to strive for a peaceful international environment.China by the China Association for Science since 1989/Chinese people strive for Peace and Disarmament Association, led the organization of the activities.



    这是法国贡比涅森林中的第一次世界大战停战协定签字遗址。当年协约国军总司令福煦元帅的专用列车和德国全权代表乘坐的列车在此会合。 新华社发

    This is the ruins of World War I Armistice Agreement signed in France 贡比涅森林.When the Allied Forces Commander Marshal Foch's special train and Germany the Plenipotentiary take the train to meet this. Xinhua News Agency issued


November 11, 1918,Germany surrendered,The end of World War I.The first world-scale war broke out in July 1914 in Germany/The Austrian headed by the Allies on one side and the British/Law/Russia on the other,Between the two sides compete for commodity markets/Re-divide the world imperialist war.War throughout Europe/Asia/Non-3 continents.The two sides entered the war the country 33,Population whirlpool involved in the war in the more than 1.5 billion,As many as 65 million to mobilize troops,A total of 3,000 million casualties.


November 11, 1927,A pioneer of the Chinese workers' movement,Wang Hebo, one of the early leaders of the Communist Party of China in Beijing sacrifice.In the spring of 1927, he was involved in the organization and leadership Shanghai workers/Third armed uprising.October 18, 1927,Traitor,When he was secretary of the Northern Bureau of the CPC Central Committee Wang Hebo warlord Chang Tso-arrest in Beijing.In prison,He suffered torture,Unyielding,November 11 late-night,Was killed in the Beijing Andingmenwai watchtower side.December 11, 1949,Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee/Federation of Trade Unions/CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, etc."Comrade Wang Hebo 18 martyrs reburial committee",Moving the remains of the martyrs buried in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing.Zhou Enlai person deacon.



The picture shows the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force unit fleet(August 1950 photo).Xinhua News Agency issued 


November 11, 1949,The lead agency of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force was established in Beijing.Central Military Commission, appointed Liu Yalou Air Force Commander,Silverstone is a member of the Air Force Political Chief of the Political Department.At this point,The Air Force officially become a military branch of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.After the Central Military Commission, to November 11 as the date of the establishment of the People's Air Force.


November 11, 1971,Headed by Vice Foreign Minister Qiao Guanhua/Huang Hua, deputy head of the People's Republic of China delegation arrived in New York,The first time to attend the United Nations General Assembly(26th session).November 15,Qiao Guanhua spoke at the meeting,Clarify the stand of China's foreign policy as well as some international issues.China is one of the founding members of the United Nations.After the founding of New China,China seat in the United Nations has been illegally occupied by the Taiwan authorities.October 25, 1971,26th Session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution,Decided to resume the People's Republic of China's legitimate seat in the United Nations,And the Taiwan authorities have expelled from the United Nations Organization.The delegation of the People's Republic of China to attend the United Nations General Assembly,The victory of the Chinese diplomatic route,People all over the world and the victory of justice-upholding countries.


November 11, 1993,Fourteen Third Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China held in Beijing.The plenum examined by the[Decision of the CPC Central Committee on the establishment of a socialist market economic system, a number of issues].


November 11, 2001,China's WTO accession protocol signing ceremony held in Doha, Qatar.Shi Guangsheng, head of the Chinese delegation, signed the Protocol on.30 days,China formally became a member of the WTO in December 11.(Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiaojian)

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