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历史上的今天  9月17日 Today in History  September 17


    September 17, 1894,Day Yellow Sea Wars.Northern Fleet of the Qing Dynasty and the Japanese Navy to expand bloody the Yellow Sea Dadonggou sea,This is the Sino-Japanese War, the most heroic of the Yellow Sea war.The Northern Fleet generals Deng Shichang rate"Zhiyuan"Ship desperate to resist the enemy,And injured the ship hit the enemy battleship"Yoshino"Number,The whole crew of more than 250 people all heroic martyred.


    September 17, 1949,The YangHuCheng killed in Chongqing.The KMT army patriotic generals YangHuCheng in Chongqing"Sino-US cooperation"Kuomintang reactionaries secret killings,When he was 56 years old.YangHuCheng Pucheng,The former KMT Seventeenth Army commander,December 12, 1936 together with the Kuomintang army patriotic generals Zhang Xueliang and launched the famous"Xi'an Incident".


    September 17, 1959,President of the People's Republic of China Liu Shaoqi amnesty,According to the second session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee of the ninth meeting of the decision,For a really Gaiwucongshan Chiang Kai-shek and the war criminals of the puppet state of Manchukuo/Counterrevolutionary criminals and criminal offenders,Amnesty.4 December of the same year,Supreme People's Court of amnesty for the first batch of 33 war criminals.Since then to March 19, 1975,All war criminals in custody amnesty release.



    Mice in vivo scientists injected the synthetic product,Tests its biological activity.Mice increased insulin convulsions reaction,Prove that the synthetic product is having the biological activity of the synthetic insulin(Profile photo).Xinhua News Agency issued


    September 17, 1965,China's first synthetic crystalline bovine insulin.This is the largest natural organic compound having a biological activity of synthetic.The success of the experiment the first country of protein synthesis.


    September 17, 1983,The People's Bank of China is no longer for industrial and commercial credit and savings business.According to the State Council on the same day[The specialized exercise the functions of the Central Bank of the People's Bank of China's decision],The People's Bank of China, specifically to exercise the functions of the Central Bank,Not to proceed with the industrial and commercial credit and savings business.This is a major reform of the banking system in China.



    North Korea and South Korea flag were hoisted at the United Nations,North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju(Right)Info handshakes and South Korean Foreign Minister Lee Sang-ok.Xinhua News Agency issued

    1991年9月17日,第46届联合国大会一致通过朝鲜和韩国同时加入联合国。(新华社记者张胜利 赵淳)

    September 17, 1991,The 46th session of the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted both North Korea and South Korea joined the United Nations.(Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Shengli and Zhao Chun)

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