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历史上的今天  9月7日 Today in History  September 7


    图为李鸿章代表清政府与11国的驻华公使,在北京签订《辛丑条约》(图中前排右二是李鸿章)。 新华社发

    Pictured Li Hongzhang behalf of the Qing government and the minister of the 11 countries,Signed in Beijing[Boxer Protocol](Figure in the front row , second from right Li Hongzhang). Xinhua News Agency issued


    September 7, 1901,Qing government signed with the Western powers[Boxer Protocol].It claims the largest number of modern Chinese history/The most serious loss of sovereignty treaty.By the Qing government and the United Kingdom/Russia/Germany/France/United States/Japan/Italy/Spain/Netherlands/Belgium/Austria 11 countries signed the treaty provisions,China reparations 980 million taels of silver.This treaty marks the Qing government completely become a tool of imperialist rule in China,China completely reduced to a semi-colonial and semi -feudal society.


    September 7, 1949,Zhou Enlai to participate in a session of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of masterpiece[A few questions on the CPPCC]The report,The system set forth a new national policy.After the discussion of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) agreed,In[Common Programme]Clearly states:"Equality of all nationalities in the People's Republic of China.""Areas of ethnic minorities,Ethnic regional autonomy should be implemented,How many and the size of the area in accordance with the population of the ethnic,To establish a variety of ethnic autonomous authority."Thus,Exercising national regional autonomy within a unified country,Finalized as a basic political system of the People's Republic of China.


    September 7, 1984,Pakistan and County of Sichuan literacy achievements forward,Won UNESCO awarded"Noma Literacy Prize".This is the first time China won the organization Literacy Prize.


    September 7, 1988,China successfully launched its first polar-orbiting meteorological.Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center,"Long March IV"Rocket carrying"FY"The test meteorological satellite successfully launched.This is independently developed by China and launched a polar-orbiting meteorological.

    2004年9月7日,国务院新闻办公室发表《中国的社会保障状况和政策》白皮书。这是中国政府首次发表关于社会保障方面的白皮书。(新华社记者张胜利 赵淳)

    September 7, 2004,State Council Information Office published[China's Social Security and Its Policy]White paper.This is the Chinese government for the first time published a white paper on social security.(Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhang Shengli and Zhao Chun)

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